Michigan Sheriff’s Statement about the Governor’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ Policy
A group of county sheriffs in Michigan were questioning the governor’s policy and sworn to handle the situation with compassion to people and “common...
Donald Trump’s Tweet Inspired Protest against “Stay-at-Home” Policy across America
"LIBERATE MINNESOTA!" "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" "LIBERATE VIRGINIA, " These are the ‘tweets’ by President Donald Trump which inspired protests by Americans across the United States,...
Petition Against “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” Reached More than 300,000 Signatures
There is a petition against Bill Gates asking for U.S Congress to investigate about his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, involvements on...
The Legacy and the Warnings of George Orwell
Why George Orwell's writings are still very relevant to today's society and political climate
As a unique writer of his time, a strong and sharp...
Serious Questions and Confusions Regarding COVID-19
Many experts say COVID-19 is a kind of severe pneumonia while others also say it’s a kind of severe flu. Some say it’s very...
“No Mass Gathering” Policy Must Continue until Mass Vaccination is Given, According to Bill...
An advocate of population control and an abortion supporter Bill Gates is suggesting the government to continue the lock down and "no mass gathering"...
COVID-19 Mainstream Media Myths Busted
For so many times, independent journalism from many different channels across the internet has given amazing reports from the ground regarding the overly-sensationalized Covid-19...
Things to Consider Before Making a Decision Regarding Vaccination
Why do you think many parents now are against vaccination? What do you think the reasons why people refuse to vaccinate? Have you tried...
The Alleged Cover Up by the Vatican of its Clerics’ Child Sexual Abuse Cases
Back in 2015, one of the Vatican officials named Gian Piero Milano released 50-page report showing child pornography materials in the Vatican City. Although...
Studies on the Negative Effects of Marijuana Abuse
As more and more states and countries, including Asia, are opening their doors to the undeniable health benefits of cannabis or marijuana, it is...