Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pres. Trump Announced the US is Cutting Ties with the WHO over COVID-19; is...

According to President Donald Trump last Friday, the US will be terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO) for a reason that...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants Children to be Raised by the State, ‘Daily Washington News’ Reported

In June of last year, Paul Joseph Watson wrote an article about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealing the real story behind AOC’s photos allegedly crying over...

Defying the “West”, Tanzania Banned the Use of Face Masks, Allowed the Schools to...

After the president of Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli, suspended some of the country’s health officials early this month due to controversies regarding the coronavirus...

Why Experts and other People Do Not Trust the World Health Organization (WHO)

Despite experts, scientists and doctors, claiming that the lockdown and “stay at home” policy cannot be justified by the coronavirus impact, meaning that it...

‘Contact Tracing’ Apps and the Threats to Privacy

Tech companies have already launched the contact tracing apps to be used in the government’s measure to so-called manage the alleged spread of the...

600 Doctors sign a letter to President Trump about the “Mass Casualty Incidents” and...

May 19, 2020 - A Los Angeles doctor named Simone Gold wrote a letter to President Donald Trump, signed by more than 600 other...

Why People Want To Refuse Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination?

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the World health Organization (WHO), and now many other leaders around the world are saying that “we can never go...

Police Officer Speaks Up Against Civil Rights Violations Due to “Lock-down Policy”

A video uploaded in Youtube by a police officer only known as G. Anderson (through his badge) is now circulating and gaining more views....

Bill Gates’ Financial Role in Global Health Policies and the Coronavirus Crisis

Like John D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates managed to construct his public image as a humanitarian philanthropist through the help of massively funded PR campaigns....

Michigan Sheriff’s Statement about the Governor’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ Policy

A group of county sheriffs in Michigan were questioning the governor’s policy and sworn to handle the situation with compassion to people and “common...

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