Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Filipino Physical Therapist Speaks Out Against the Coronavirus Corruption

A physical therapist known as Dr. Ron has been posting videos on Facebook speaking out against the coronavirus corruption that is currently happening in...

The Current Situation in Israel as Told by Ilana Rachel Daniel

On March 3, a short audio recorded by Ilana Rachel Daniel, a health advisor and information officer for the Rappeh (meaning heal in English)...

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka, and Dr. Thomas Cowan on Dean’s Danes Show

It has been a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the alleged virus outbreak a pandemic without valid evidence whatsoever. Because of...

Fascinating Facts about Dr. Vernon Coleman

Imagine a doctor who’s written more than 100 books and sold two million copies in the UK and works have been translated into 125...

Dr. Shawn T. Smith, Jordan Peterson, Suzanne Venker, and Cassie Jaye on Feminism

As the American Psychological Association (APA) pathologizes some of the natural male psychological characteristics in their 2018 diagnostic guidelines, it also advances the feminist...

COVID-19 Vaccine Updates: Chinese Immunologist, Nursing Homes Staff, American Soldiers, and VAERS

Following the deaths of 23 elderly people in Norway, Chinese health experts called on all countries to suspend the use of mRNA vaccines; warning...

Psychotherapy vs. Psychiatric Medication

A review of research studies led by Melba J. T. Vasquez, PhD of the American Psychological Associations (APA) concluded that “psychotherapy is effective (and)...

Normal Behaviors of Toddlers “Could Be Signs of Mental Illness”, According to Psychiatry

In December 2020, the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) reported that around 508,000 babies and toddlers (aged 2 to 5) are “being given...

What Filipino’s think of the “Vaccine Passport” Bill?

It is likely that a digital vaccination ID or passport will be mandatory in the Philippines this year. Authored by one of the country’s...

Queensland Satanists Proposed that Satanism should be Taught in Public Schools

The Noosa Temple of Satan in Queensland, Australia has announced that “at least two families have officially requested that their children be provided Satanic...

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