Monday, February 24, 2025

“The COVID-19 Extra Parliamentary Investigation Committee” of Germany (Full Video Transcript)

July 3, 2020, Germany - The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee started. The speakers of the ACU are Dr. Heiko Schöning, Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, and...

640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam”

It seems now that so many more people around the world are waking up to the reality of the current so-called coronavirus pandemic, seeing...

The Truth about Multi-level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes

According to two different academic studies, “99% of all Multi-level Marketing (MLM) distributors will lose money by participating and 84% of all profits get...

The “Devouring Mother” Archetype and the Psychology of Infantilization

So according to its definition, an archetype is a kind of psychological “model” or a feature of consciousness that each of us becomes; manifesting...

The Efficient Marketing of Dangerous Psychotropic Drugs for Children

Asked about why many parents are very vulnerable and easily accepting the labels to their children given by psychiatrists in a diagnosis, or the...

Doctors’ Statements on Puberty Blockers, Transgender Ideology, and Science

“Let’s be clear: to indoctrinate all children from pre-school forward with the lie that they could be trapped in the wrong body disrupts the...

“Q-Anon” Related Social Media Accounts Being Banned from Different Platforms

Just less than two months after Facebook removed a group of five pages, twenty Facebook accounts, and six groups that post information linked to...

Greta Thunberg Joins the Petition Against the “Anti-Terrorism Law” in the Philippines #JunkTerrorLaw

Greta Thunberg, the teenage Swedish environmental activist who became famous for a so-called school “climate strike”, has joined the petition against “anti-terrorism law” that...

Newly Uncovered Dark Internet Ring of 30,000 Pedophiles

After nine months of operation, the German state of North Rhine Westphalia has uncovered “a dark internet ring of 30,000 pedophiles” who are active...

More Victims of Jeffrey Epstein Coming Out

After Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested last week at her home in New Hampshire, interviews and press conferences by Gloria Allred, the representative of 16...

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