Saturday, February 22, 2025

COVID-19: Rocco Galati’s Legal Action against the Canadian Government and CBC

The Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC) has filed a Statement of Claim in Ontario Superior Court on July against the Government of Canada, the Government...

Pfizer’s Contradicting and Inconsistent Statements about its COVID Vaccine

On November 13, The Guardian reported that “there is a lot of excitement” because they’ve got results already and that the COVID-19 vaccine from...

The Covid Cult and Their Delusion

The deadly illusion caused by the official narrative created by the most psychotic, totalitarian, fear-mongering cult leaders behind this coronavirus scam is creating a...

Is the CDC Lying about the Deaths in South Korea Following the Flu Shots?

Just a few weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement regarding the successive deaths in South Korea following...

Flu Vaccine Deaths in South Korea risen to nearly 100; Prime Minister asks for...

After the Korean Medical Association had called on Seoul to stop the flu vaccination program for a review, South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun...

Is this leaked Document about the “World Debt Reset” in Canada a plan for...

A committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada leaked information describing a very grim and totalitarian agenda for Canadians and, as described in...

The Controversial Death of Two Gov’t Officials in the Philippines; Its Relation to PhilHealth...

Despite the high cost of hospital treatment, two politicians in the Philippines (Cebu City) believed to have been infected with coronavirus died; leaving 8.2...

The COVID 19 RNA Vaccine According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Rashid Buttar,...

In early September, AstraZeneca, a British pharmaceutical company, has announced that its COVID 19 vaccine trials have to be stopped because of “serious adverse...

COVID-19 Vaccine according to Dr. Carrie Madej

“The recombinant RNA and DNA technology will cause permanent and unknown genetic changes in a person’s body. Once their DNA is changed, he or...

How Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media Manipulate Politics and Distort Facts

Typically, the role of the mainstream media (MSM) and its news has always been to condition, brainwash, misinform, and mislead the masses into fear,...

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