Saturday, February 22, 2025

UK Judge Denied the US’ Extradition Request for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

Though not the first person in the UK’s history to receive this kind of favour, the British court ruled on Monday that the Australian...

Questions on AI Sex Robots and the MGTOW Community

So could it be really possible that the not-so-distant future generations will embrace sex robots warmly? Some say this is undeniably predictable especially to...

Julian Assange’s Supporters, Including Politicians, Respected Journalists, and Prominent Artists, Demand His Freedom

Tomorrow is the court’s decision for Julian Assange’s extradition to the US to face the charges against him by the US military for “espionage”...

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on the 2009 Fake Pandemic and the Vaccination Scheme

Ever since the beginning of this whole circus game mainly played by the clown doctors in the medical establishment, the ones who just follow...

The Continuing Corruption in Science and Medicine

On June of this year, a report about a secret recording of the conversation of two editor-in-chief from prestigious medical journals, the Lancet and...

Injury from Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Downplayed by Health Officials and the Mainstream Media

On Tuesday, a health care worker at the Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau, Alaska, experienced a serious allergic reaction soon after getting the Pfizer...

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: One of the Most Important Experts the World Should Hear About

Not so many people today know that this COVID scam is not the first but just one of the many attempts of the World...

Reported Deaths from Pfizer Vaccine Trials and the FDA Corruption

Reports about deaths from COVID-19 vaccine trial participants have again came out from several independent sources just a few days ago. This was based...

Dr. Calhoun’s “Mouse Utopia Experiment” and the Abandonment of the Elderly Populations

Perhaps our attitude and culture in general, in relation to our treatment on our elders, cannot be easily reformed; it cannot be easily weeded...

The Corvelva Study, Facebook Medical Censorship, and Zuckerberg’s Investment on COVID Vaccines

Many countries are now talking about vaccine purchase due to the announcement by the competing manufacturers flooding almost all the mainstream media (MSM) channels...

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