Friday, January 31, 2025

What is Exosome? Is this what they call COVID-19?

Exosome was said to have been discovered in the early 1980’s and it is being considered today by some experts as very important part...

Why Neil Ferguson and his Epidemiological Models Cannot be Trusted

Neil Ferguson is a professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College London (ICL) whose role in the current COVID-19 lockdown is very important. His...

Should Bill Gates Be Convicted for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in India?

It is known to many that the mainstream media will not cover stories involving big institutions connected to the pharmaceutical establishments. These institutions, together...

The CDC SPIDER, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. William Thompson: How the Dirty...

Unknown to many citizens of the world, the corruption between corporations and government agencies in many countries is still very widespread and causes unnecessary...

Police Officers Protesting the ‘Stay-at-Home’ Policy

Since early April, citizens all over America have been protesting against the ‘stay-at-home’ policy as they think this is unconstitutional. These protests were also...

High-profile Protest against ‘Stay-at-Home’ Policy by Law Enforcement Officers

Not being covered mostly by mainstream news media outlet, many law enforcement officers are now expressing disapproval against the strict ‘stay-at-home’ policy by issuing...

Health Benefits of Doing Breathing Exercises

Unknown to many, there are numerous ways to take control of our health. These methods are usually found in the ancient teachings of sage...

Experts Explain What We Need to Know About Informed Consent

Consent is defined as: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. In the issue of medicine, it involves a patient providing...

A Brief History of Orthomolecular Medicine and Megadosing Vitamin C

The term orthomolecular medicine (OM) is a method of treating diseases with substances that are naturally found in the body. Started in the 1970’s,...

Dr. Eric Nepute, CHIRMD in St. Louis Missouri Complained about COVID-19 Fake Reports

A chiropractor from St. Louis Missouri is now standing up against the fear-mongering media reports regarding the COVID-19 data from the hospital. Dr. Eric Nepute...

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