Friday, March 14, 2025

Class Action Lawsuit against Australian Government and Regulators for Vaccine Injuries

Another class action suit against the government of Australia and the medicine regulators has now been filed by more than 500 Australian citizens related...

After Being Vetoed Fourth Times, Portugal’s Euthanasia Bill is Now Approved  

On May 12, the Portuguese government approved its euthanasia law that will allow its citizens to have a legal permission for ending their lives....

New York State Plans to End Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers

New York City has announced that the state of NY plans to revoke its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, this is according to...

Anti-illegal Vaccine Mandates Advocacy Groups Infiltrated by an FBI Contractor

The groups opposing vaccine mandates and other unscientific protocols related to COVID-19 has been infiltrated by a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) contractor named...

Candace Owens’ Tells Her Experience of the Gardasil Shots

Very few prominent people are speaking up against the power of rich pharmaceutical companies, especially regarding the insurmountable amount of victims and lawsuits, which...

Marcos Administration Announced the Creation of the Virology Institute of The Philippines (VIP); What...

After announcing the establishment of a vaccine facility to be owned by Moderna, a biotech and pharmaceutical company that is known for its mRNA...

New Birth Control Vaccine Now in Clinical Trials

A new kind of contraception in a form of vaccine that is designed to use the immune system for blocking fertilization is now in...

CDC Calls for More Investigation on the Sudden Rise of Brain Infection among Children...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now calling for further investigation about life-threatening brain abscesses discovered in children after a 2022...

Tennessee Legislators Passed a Law Requiring Parental Consent for Vaccinating Minors

Last week, the Tennessee legislatures passed a law that counters or at least “clarifies” the so-called “mature minor doctrine”, forbidding the healthcare providers to...

FDA Warned Pregnant Women against the use of Popular Weight-loss Drugs Ozempic and Wegovy

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently warned women who are planning to get pregnant, at least two months prior, to avoid taking semaglutide...

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