Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Is “Zero Waste” Future Achievable?

According to the World Bank (WB) report in 2016, there were 2.01 billion tonnes of waste generated globally due to rapid urbanization and improperly...

Why Parents are Outraged about “Transgenderism”

Transgender issue is a very complex and sensitive issue. Many people talking about this and raising concerns are sometimes being accused and called many...

The Not-So-Known Legacy of Che Guevara: Busting the Hollywood Myth

Every revolution has its own heroes and every revolutionary has his or her own legacy that people of the following generations admire and see as an...

Facts about Chocolates that People Need to Know

Much of the world’s cocoa supplies are from West Africa. This is where famous brands get their main ingredients for their very expensive chocolates...

Doctors and Experts Warn Parents about Gender Transitioning

“Many of us hope that this case will usher in a return to sanity, science, and medical ethics rooted in ‘first, do no harm.”...

The Moral Foundations Theory

Where Does Morality Comes From? Where do you think does morality comes from? Do you believe that all of our ideas of right and wrong or...

Remembering Viktor Frankl and “Man’s Search for Meaning”

Naturally, most of us humans are pleasure-seeking creatures which does almost everything for the fulfillment of desires and sometimes, for purely “earthly or animalistic”...

Hypergamy and the Coolidge Effect: Why People Need to Know About These Concepts

There is a theory in evolutionary psychology known as “evolved preferences theory”which suggests that when looking for a potential mate, “men usually choose physically attractive and...

The Decline of Romantic Relationship and Marriage

In some parts of the world today, there is something big happening with regards to romantic relationships and marriage. It is important to talk...

Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers: The Rational “Feminists”

These days, ironically in the age of greater social and technological access, where you can potentially reach a wider audience for your ideas in just a...

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