Saturday, December 21, 2024

Rational Minimalism; a Practical Way to Contentment Amidst Stressful Consumer Culture

Many of today’s people do not really ask themselves what really makes them happy. If you do not have the answer for this question,...

Updates on Transgender Politics, Medicine, and Science

Just recently, House Democrats in the US proposed a bill that would require house members to use “gender-neutral language” and prohibit the use of...

Fact or Fake: Questions Regarding COVID-19 by Ordinary People

In “Event 201”, an alleged coronavirus outbreak simulation attended by the officials and representatives of major organizations such as the John Hopkins University, the...

Benefits of Outdoor Schooling in both Mind and Body

Developing the collaborative skills of an individual is very important for the collective society. Throughout human evolution, it helps us survive as social specie totally dependent on...

Is “Zero Waste” Future Achievable?

According to the World Bank (WB) report in 2016, there were 2.01 billion tonnes of waste generated globally due to rapid urbanization and improperly...

Religious Leaders endorse COVID-19 Vaccines despite reports of Injuries and Deaths from VAERS

On December last year, Israeli health officials held a meeting with top rabbis of Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox city, in an attempt get their...

Short History of the “New Age Movement”

To many, the term “new age” is quite ambiguous and somewhat confusing. But this is simply a term used to identify certain types of...

Bret Weinstein and the Struggle of the Scientific Community

Contrary to what many leftist activists believed as a fact, most well-respected scientists acknowledge the varieties of preference by the people when it comes to gender and...

List of “Natural Health” Groups and Communities to Join on Facebook

More and more people are now waking up to what really is happening in our healthcare system nowadays. You can find different organizations online; these are...

Important Things To Do During “Community Quarantine”

Since most things related to this global COVID-19 pandemic now cannot be downplayed and stopped anymore, most government measures all over the world are now resorting...

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