Home News Did Putin Banned Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation in Russia?

Did Putin Banned Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation in Russia?


According to a report from prepareforchange.net written by Derek Knauss on June 20, Russia has banned Bill Gates and his Microsoft Corporation in the county. It was said that President Vladimir Putin also ordered both to be placed on a watch list for Federal Security Service (FSB) “due to concerns for security and reliability”.


The report also mentioned that Bill Gates is now under investigation and will soon be considered to be blacklisted on the Russian Federation along with George Soros and Jacob Rothschild. This also means that all Microsoft software will be immediately removed from the entire country as Bill Gates and his company, according to spokesman Sergei Zheleznyak, is responsible for “carrying out minute-by-minute surveillance on millions of Russian citizens, as well as citizens of other countries”.     

The Kremlin spokesman said, “The US, which presents itself as a bastion of democracy, has in fact been carrying out minute-by-minute surveillance of tens of millions of citizens of Russia and other countries”. He also added, “All the main internet companies that were formed in the US are involved in this ugly story, and these companies operate on the territory of our country (Russia)”.

It was reported before by Bloomberg that “Moscow will initially replace Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook on thousands of computers with an email system developed by the Russian company Rostelecom PJSC”. This will be led by its information technology head Artem Ermolaev, along with Nikolay Nikiforov, the communication minister of Russia.

According to Nikiforov, “We want the money of taxpayers and state-run firms to be primarily spent on local (Russian) software”. Meanwhile, Ermolaev also said that the software developed by Russian software vendor New Cloud Technologies will be installed next year and it will replace all software applications by Microsoft.

Back in 2015, Russia also declared George Soros a “wanted” man in the country and Putin banned this billionaire man, citing him as a “threat to Russian national security”, in connection to Soros’ involvement in the “sabotage” that almost destroyed Russia in the 1990’s.

Meanwhile, the year after, Putin also banned Jacob Rothschild and prohibited his banking operations within the Russian territory. As part of what Putin says “unburdening of the economy” and “restoring back Russian sovereignty for future generations”, he vowed to severe any ties to the “New World Order banking cabal” led by Rothschild using the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) that imposes economic monopoly on the global scale through the US dollar.

In his statement on his inauguration, Putin stated:

“We used to behave naïvely, but now we see that the WTO [the World Trade Organization] rules are all too often broken, the restrictions are imposed for political reasons, which they call sanctions. Plus more and more of them are imposed to secure its favorite competitive advantages.”   

He also added:

“They said we could not do it, they said we would be destroyed. Our future generations will be born without Rothschild chains around their wrists and ankles. This is the best present we can provide.”
