Home Health PH Gov’t ignores appeal to Stop the Vaccination Program

PH Gov’t ignores appeal to Stop the Vaccination Program


On October 18, 2021, Filipino citizens, led by Nicanor Perlas, the founder of COVID Call for Humanity (CCH), sent a letter for “Cease and Desist and Notice of Liability” to the Philippine government for the purpose of stopping the country’s vaccine roll out by presenting scientific and irrefutable proofs that vaccines are harming and killing Filipinos of any ages. This initiative, intended to stop the vaccination scheme, has been supported by many different groups and individuals in the country who are aware of this unfortunate fate of the unsuspecting Filipinos; unknowingly following the government’s demand under the pretext of providing safety and security against the scientifically unproven pathogen that causes the imaginary COVID19 disease.      


According to Nicanor Perlas:

“People who suffered from the vaccines contacted us, and we are now in the process of developing a protocol to heal those seriously wounded by the vaccines.”

However, instead of heeding to the people’s concern, the president’s office seems to ignore it and continues to mandate its very dangerous and illegal vaccination operation. According to Nicanor Perlas’ statement that was released yesterday, October 26, at the CCH website:   

“Instead of stopping, the government continues to roll out its vaccine programs as if they have not received a Cease and Desist letter and Notice of Liability. The government is like other dictatorial governments abroad. The agents of the global takeover are stunned. But, instead of relenting, these criminals are intensifying their agenda for global murder and takeover. They are also speeding up the implementation of their repressive measures…”

As a response, the groups and individuals behind this initiative have decided to call for a nationwide civil disobedience protest in order to demand an immediate halt to the vaccination program. As Mr. Perlas continued:

“We are left with no choice. All groups and individuals behind the Cease and Desist initiative have agreed to simultaneously pursue a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) from the Supreme Court and call for civil disobedience nationwide. The TRO will certainly be defensible at the Supreme Court. We have all the evidence to demonstrate the urgency of the situation. We can easily show the irreparable damage that will be done to thousands of lives of Filipinos if the Duterte government continues to pursue its fanatical push for vaccines.”

Meanwhile, a media blackout regarding Filipino people’s resistance to the current fake pandemic and to the vaccination carnage is also happening. The majority of the news outlet in the country, especially the big corporate media, are silent and even sometimes protective of the crimes against humanity being committed by many government officials submitting to the dictates of the World Health Organizations (WHO) and the Department of Health (DOH). Instead of presenting the voices that validly question the narrative, the mainstream media even bury them with disinformation and fake news. For example, many Filipinos expressed their concerns and grief on social media regarding the death of their family members or their friends after being vaccinated. However, when you read the news from different outlets, these deaths are reported as being caused by the virus (SARS-CoV2) even though there is no evidence for such a claim.

In addition, despite many experts from all over the world warning the public not to take the jab, backed with scientific evidence, the Duterte administration has even doubled its deceitful call for the Filipino workers to take the toxic shots. Because of this, many Filipino employees, who are at first hesitant, have instead agreed to take the vaccine due to fear of losing their jobs. The main reason for this is that they were threatened by their employers, through the pressure of the government, that if they don’t get the shots, they will be either subject to termination or salary withholding. Because of this, Secretary Silvestre Bello of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), along with the Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Menardo Guevarra, has issued a statement clarifying that it is illegal to do so, based on the country’s vaccination bill, RA 11525 Section 12, which clearly states that:

“…vaccine cards shall not be considered as an additional mandatory requirement for educational, employment, and other similar government transaction purposes.”

To make matters worse, President Rodrigo Duterte even stated in his speech early this month that Filipinos who are hesitant to take the vaccines should be vaccinated against their will. Encouraging illegal and criminal act, Duterte said:   

“The problem is those who don’t want to get vaccinated. Look for them in your village, let’s go there while they’re asleep and inject them while asleep so we can get it done. If they don’t want, let’s go in their houses and inject them when night falls. I’ll do it, I’ll lead the journey.”

Of course, Duterte’s supporters dismissed this as some kind of joke by the president, not recognizing (or intentionally ignoring) the fact that this may cause fanatical Filipinos, who are completely ignorant of the law, to believe that it is OK to do so because their president is saying this on the public. Meanwhile, in relation to these seemingly sadistic and draconian government actions, Nicanor Perlas stated:   

“We will do what it takes to protect our freedoms. We are more than willing to pay the costs even if this would mean the ultimate sacrifice of our own lives. We need to defend our rights and freedoms as well as save our brothers and sisters from suffering murder at the hands of these highly sadistic and totally uncaring political leaders. These “vactards” do not hesitate to force dangerous bioweapons (aka vaccines) upon its already suffering people. If we do not fight for our freedoms, we can say goodbye to life as we know it and live as slaves in the New World Order that is increasingly being forced upon us.”
