Early last month, the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) of the Philippines has declared to file more charges against the ones responsible for approving and administering the controversial Dengvaxia, Sanofi Pasteur’s experimental so-called anti-dengue vaccine which so far has claimed 157 people in the country. Among those who will be facing legal complaints before the Department of Justice (DOJ) are the country’s former health secretary and currently Iloilo First District Rep. Janette Garin and also the current officials of the Department of Health (DOH) and the executives of Dengvaxia manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur.
The 156th victim of Dengvaxia vaccine Zorev Nayve, 14 years old, a resident of Pasay City (Manila) died on August 29, 2020 at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) in Quezon CIty where he was undergoing dialysis. According to PAO forensic expert Dr. Erwin Erfe, when his team conducted the autopsy, they’d again saw the pattern:
“When we opened him up, we saw bleedings in the lungs, heart, gastrointestinal track, brain and other organs. Essentially, we had similar findings with others (Dengvaxia victims). We will file charges on behalf of his family because our findings is similar to our previous findings.”
Meanwhile, another female adolescent child named Maekyla Cruz, 13 years old, was also reported to have died of the same cause, according to the conclusion based on the findings from the autopsy conducted by the same team of the same month. Cruz, the 157th confirmed Deangvaxia victim, was said to have received three shots of the vaccine. Regarding Cruz’s case, the same forensic doctor leader stated:
“Preliminary findings showed multi-organ enlargement and multi-organ bleeding consistent with our findings in the other 156 Dengvaxia vaccinees who died after vaccination and examined by the PAOFT.”
Meanwhile, on October 14, a mother posted a story on her Facebook account regarding her daughter, a female infant whose death occurred 2 days after she was vaccinated with Pentavalent 2 vaccine. The mother, whose name we can’t publish due to security reasons, stated:
“I don’t want to pin point names, i don’t want to blame anyone because the truth is, I blamed my self more than anyone else because I am the mother. I just want to express my grievances because my baby was healthy but then suddenly died. I don’t want to blame someone but I can’t see any other reason why this happened.
Last Friday I brought my baby to the barangay health center for a Pentavalent 2 immunization but then in the evening, my baby had a high fever. They explained to me that that’s a normal reaction for that vaccine so what I did was I gave my child paracetamol and cold compress. Suddenly, my baby was quivering so I thought she’s just cold. The next morning I noticed the reddish spots on her body so I went to my mother’s house and asked for someone who has tried Pentavalent 2 on their baby. They all have the same answers: “that’s the normal reaction” that’s why I was calmed and still fine with it.
But then in the morning, I noticed that her response was “different” and she’s having difficulty breathing and was grasping for air so I decided to have a check-up. I even went back to my mother’s house to try “alternative” treatment and anything that might help my baby while waiting for the doctor to arrive. Then people from the clinic messaged us that the doctor has arrived so we rushed but then they prescribed as different drugs. Right after we went out from the clinic, which is very near our house, my baby suddenly looked weaken as if she’s sleepy. Then my friend arrived so I asked a favor to hold my baby so I can get a food so I can feed her while we’re waiting for her father who went to buy medicine from the pharmacy. Sadly, when I tried to feed her, she suddenly collapsed.
Meghan, god knows I did everything to save you but perhaps, that wasn’t enough. I regret so many things and ask my self why I was too at ease/trustful. If I could bring the days back, Meghan, I probably didn’t do it (immunization). I thought that immunization will keep you free from diseases. However, that became the reason for your death. I’m very sorry my baby I failed to ease your pain. There’s nothing more painful than losing you. Rest in peace my darling.”
Pentavalent 2 vaccines contain chemicals that should not be put to a person’s body, especially to a child, such as aluminum, phenol, polysorbate, among others. It also contains animal cell strains. The side effects of this vaccine also include “high temperatures, sometimes leading to fits (also called convulsions or febrile seizures), unusual high-pitched screaming and hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHE), during which the child may become blue, pale and/or limp”.
- Damicog, J. (2020). PAO to file charges on behalf of Dengvaxia ‘victim’. Manila Bulletin.
- Damicog, J. (2020). Another kid who had Dengvaxia shots dies. Manila Bulletin
- Pollard, A. (2019). 5-in-1 Vaccine (also called Pentavalent Vaccine). Oxford Vaccine Group.
Featured image: https://businessmirror.com.ph/2019/05/23/court-junks-sanofi-zuellig-bid-to-dismiss-dengvaxia-raps/