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Effective Teaching: Tips for Teachers and Homeschooling Parents


Improving your students’ learning process can be very challenging. You must need to use efficient strategies and you must engage your students on your class on a regular basis. It means constantly motivating them to participate consistently and learn on their own. In addition, there are also many things that could cause distraction that oftentimes lead to apathy and discouragement. This is one of the reasons why many students fail and do not show enthusiasm on their study or class. In most cases, teachers use the same lessons over and over again as they lack creativity or even motivation on their own. If you are a teacher or a home-school facilitator, learn these tips for you to be effective on what you are doing.


1. Make sure teaching really makes you happy

For you to be an effective teacher or facilitator, the first thing you must do is to get deeply in touch with your self and make sure that you really have the passion on what you are doing. To see if this is really the case, you must ask your self: are you really happy doing this profession and is it really worth your time? Are you willing to face the challenges for you to improve and grow in the field? If you feel like doing the lesson in the class is meaningful, then it is really worth it.

2. Know about your student’s current interest level

Paying attention to your student’s interest can help you decide what kind of lessons you must provide or how you must provide them. Giving thought to your student’s passion, hobbies, philosophy, choices, and drive will help you figure out clearly what kind of lessons and knowledge they need to have from you or from your class. This is a way to effectively intervene as a teacher as it would address the underlying core issue your students are having.

3. Do not limit your student and your approach

Oftentimes, students lose interest because they lack options and get bored with the same routine in the classroom. This is why it is very important to offer different choices so they can have a sense of control over their study and not feel bombarded and forced. The dullness of some teachers approach or strategy pushes the students to the edge and alienates them. One example of this to give options on how to do their assignments or what kind of assignments they want to do. Another one is to let them choose their schedules, depending on your availability.

4. Incorporate your lessons to the things that make your student happy and motivated 

Observing and recognizing what kind of topics your students really like is a good way to identify their needs. In this way, you can understand how your students become motivated, therefore providing you ideas on how to support their skills and talents to enable their potentials. You may also use rewards, material or non-materials, for them to feel that you are really giving them attention and support on their learning process.

5. Provide lessons that are useful and doable

Engaging your students can be difficult when they are having doubts that the lesson you are giving them is impractical and worthless. In this case, try not only to give them the theoretical aspects of the lesson but also to provide them concrete examples, such as activities and home works, which would allow them to test what they have learned from your class. They would appreciate the lesson more if they can prove that there are practical purposes for everything that they have studied.

6. Incorporate physical activities

Including physical activities, such as games and workshops, on your class will help keep it energetic and interesting. For example, if your students need to memorize something, try to make it into a game or a musical activity. In this way, your students don’t have to feel the pressure and experience the stress through their learning process. And lastly, through this approach the class to them could be a good way to have fun while at the same time learn many things that they can use in the future for themselves and beyond.

7. Organize your lesson well

Being scientific on doing your class allows you to be precise and efficient. Make sure to strengthen your structure through prioritizing the things that could help you and your students in the class. Try to follow your list of tasks to make your activities and schedules easier and less stressful. A little bit of spontaneity is good and important but being flexible all the time will not allow you to execute your lesson plan effectively and systematically.

Featured Image: chooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/viewpoints/experts/what_makes_a_good_teacher.htm